Mental Health Issues among University Students
A rapid pace of education affects many areas of students’ life including physical and mental health, academic performances, college experience, and the mutual formed relations of their surroundings. We can’t estimate which instance deeply penetrate and become long term consequences for students. According to a recently published science journal, one-fifth (20.3%) of college students had 12-month DSM-IV/CIDI disorders or mental health issue. Most terrifying statistics suggest 80% of students of the college have been suffering from a serious lack of attention in the classrooms. Many mental disorders emerge in early adulthood which collapses with the time period of the university. This is the time for students to decide more or less course of their life and career prospect come to light in future. A mental health problem causes fluctuation students’ energy level, optimism, and thwart his/her performances. Although effective treatment address to these enervative issues ...