10 Fascinating Facts about Laughter

“Laughter is the language of Soul” – Pablo Neruda

 There is an old saying that goes” laughter is the best medicine. It is a form of communication that universally recognized. Laughter is so infectious; people laugh much more when they are around laughing peoples. If you watch a comedy movie with family or friends, you are much more likely to laugh out loud from even the trivial gag, but those who watch a comedy alone barely chuckle. It is as old as mankind. In general term, it is a playful way of communication and as amazing as playing vocalization or strengthen group bond. Yet laughter is involuntary action, it means someone can’t force someone to laugh when he/she don’t feel it so. One of the best ways to make you active and fit is putting a smile on face daily.  It reduces the sudden mental attacks and encourages you to do well in every task. Because of the facts Laughter Yoga is considered as great ailments and practiced in most schools, universities, companies and old age homes. Due to this fact, there is even world laughter day which celebrates every on the Sunday in May every year.

Top 10 fascinating facts of laughter-

1.    The act of laughing is also a good exercise-

Anything we do while laughing in return strengthening muscles of our faces, diaphragms, and stomach. A positive look appears when we smile which genuinely helps your body to combat harmful infections. It reduces the level of cortisol thereby reducing increased stress. Laughter has proven physical, mental, social, spiritual, and excellent standard of happiness support, such that growing numbers of health care centers are adopting laughter therapy as a form of complementary care. Even in some cases, it found that patients suffered from cancer recovered quickly if regular treatment is supplemented with sanguine attitude and laughter.

2.    Laughter is contagious-

This statement is entirely true because we tend to laugh more than 30 times when we accompanied by someone who is laughing loudly or even giggle. A good mood is passed on to other people and they start feeling better. The scientific explanation behind this is that the brain’s premotor cortical region gets activated by a mere sound of laughter. Actually, this reason promotes and control facial muscle when we hear someone laugh.

3.    Laughter helps you to burn calories-

It is proven that laughter burns 40 calories by having a continuous smile. Laughter escalates both your energy outflow and heart rate ranging from 10 to 20 percent. Sounds amazing, you would have laughed more than 15 minutes steadily in order to release unnecessary stress for burning calories.

4.    Laughter is a good memory-

Laughter is the only communicating language that is recognized by all, and you need to spend hours and hours learning it. Fascinating facts that enhance the significance of laughter, even more, is its memory retaining power. A few studies reveal that our mind differentiates and memorize things faster when the rate of possessing laughter is higher. However, some medical practitioner can offer optimistic, agreeable, and valuable humor treatments that support whole person wellness.

5.    Laughter comes first before a human laugh

Facial expression is the most appropriate way to determine how a person is trying to convey a message. It delivers a message without using a single phrase or word. The medium of laughter is so deep-rooted in our brains that babies as young as a couple of weeks have been witnessed performing it. Even children having physical disability respond to laugh. This solid factor forces you to laugh first at the most horrible times. The logical reasons behind laughing during grave moments differ on the person mental status and how is indulging in a situation. At times, people laugh because they want to divert themselves before grave moments engulf him. Your mind is putting up a type of “barrier” to fight these devastating emotions, which is considered normal and can happen with anyone.

6.    Major channel for nonverbal communication-

Laughter can convey any sort of message without assisted by verbal communication. We desire to control an environment as laughter is a key ingredient in sending a message.

7.    Laughter is a powerful way of relaxation-

Genuine laughter can help to get liberated from avoidable sentiments, especially those that are deep-rooted inside from an early stage in life. An optimistic perspective of the world appears when you smile and are in a feel-good mood. When laughing a lot, a person views life positively and cannot hold any resentments. Such a person drives through life effortlessly and easily motivates the surrounding people with a positive attitude.

8.    Animal laugh-

It may sound little odd, but several scientists have stimulated “tickle-induced vocalizations “from primates including Orangutans, Chimpanzees, and Bonobos. Actually, rats have very ticklish and sensitive necks. When distinguished scientist Jaak Panksepp from Bowling Green State University tickled baby rats’ names, the rodents released unrestrained high-frequency squeaks that were inferred as laughter. This seems an unbelievable fact, but it’s true like human animal also giggles. Even dolphin is suspected to laugh while goofing.

9.    Your brain can recognize fake smile-

Our complex brain can easily distinguish between real or fake smile. Even, if you manage to give a loud guffaw, people tend to around you easily recognize when you are faking. This is because a specialized sector is there in the brain which figures out other persons’ emotion. This region shows heightened activity when we hear a peal of fake laughter.

10.    Laughter is valuable in life-

A smile on the face and absence of the pressure during communication both tells both self-assurance and aptitude to manage the circumstances. Thus life becomes easier when we laugh and spread our happiness.


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