The Development of a Moral Character

When a person is said to have good morals, it is frequently distinguished moral qualities, moral virtues, and moral responsibilities. On the assumption of a person education, we can establish a link between moral character and virtue. The virtues and vices that encompass one’s moral character are generally considered as a disposition to behave in a certain way under circumstances. For instance, an honest person is meant to be saying truth whenever asked. This disposition combines the quality of being honest which he/she might acquire since his/her birth. Further, they also behave consistently the same in a wide spectrum of conditions.

Since 1640, the development of moral character has been recognized by parents and educators. The repetitive goals for inspiration, commitment and habituation have been adopted in the academics during early 1900. Over time, cognitive developed mental psychologists developed some renewed character by identifying the levels of moral reasoning needed for the development of moral character. Later on, Erik Erickson and Robert James Havighurst derived techniques for the understanding of expanding moral development. They are focused on the shreds of information that promotes the development of moral virtues and moral development.

To analyze how moral development affects individual personality, it is essential to evaluate prospective qualities and traits that vary from individual to individual. This positioning of the divergence of moral views certainly occupies a significant place in human life. Aristotle subjective on the morals’ character and virtue, in particular, is the most influential treatment in course of moral character. He used the word excellence on behalf of characters. It is just excellence that determines what is a virtue is related or what he/she grasped. Just like it is the excellence of an ax to cut the entire wood column. Therefore excellence is an important tool for predicting someone’s character that sometimes speaks excellence of Soul.  Having good moral character helps it possessors to operates the other function wisely and willfully. Merely information of right thing adoption is not the only key factor that works here, but it also matters right sort of individual or has the right sort of moral characteristics.

Moral character is not only tools for judging someone outward character, but there can also be some dispositions that are nexus to emotion and affections. Campbell and Bond ( 1982) stated a questionnaire that is needed to be asked when focusing on character development-

    What is meant by character?

    What causes or prevent it.

    What is a measure to estimate the positive and negative feedback of character?

     How can it best developed

Any framework for imparting moral and character development is arbitrary unless it is based on philosophical foundations. Because an individual good is included in the good community, the rational power of one’s character is not undermined with few tools. Aristotle argued that people get angry at a certain point and stepping down or up what makes them right. Regardless this it is inappropriate to show different action even if the situation is opposites of that. These kinds of virtuous people feel happy about their actions. Aristotle also defines non-virtuous people as by inner doubts and predicaments.

A prominent figure Confucius spends hour’s even years just to understand the development of moral character and human kindness. He is more famous for relating thing with some sort of word form. Confucius states, “The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of humanity. These persons even sacrifice their lives for the sake of humanity. Another saying that substantiates Confucius argument describes as ‘virtue can’t stand alone’. Over the years most societies and culture strives for goodness, and leaders have his or her basic commonalities for personal behavior. 

These philosophers derive different meaning from the word character, but the overall concluded results suspects’ behaviorism and habituation. Furthermore, they considered a good human being must do a good action and will not harm anyone, on the other side a person can guide by the decision he/she taken during a difficult situation. However, it requires strong focus and a deeper understanding of developing a view in terms of moral development. Hence Aristotle arguments are more relatable for understanding the various concepts of western and eastern teachings.

Whether it is Aristotle, Confucius or Plato, each one of them provided intellectual arguments and various techniques to determine a virtuous character. Aristotle emphasized more on the excellence of soul and contributes in a great way to determine the different aspects of character development. Before that, he forms transparency between the relation and action of a human being in various communities. Lastly, it matters the right sort of individual or right sort of moral characteristics of a human being inherits or acquired since his/her birth.


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