HTML For Web Development


Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, is a programming language used to describe the structure of information on a web page. Together, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript make up the essential building blocks of websites, with CSS controlling a page’s appearance, and JavaScript programming its functionality. A web page can contain headings, paragraphs, images, videos, and many other types of data. Front-end developers use HTML elements to specify what kind of information each item on a web page contains. Every website you open in your browser, from social networks to music services, uses HTML.(Humpleman,,2001)  In this article we are going to learn html and know why it is used for web development.

Uses Of HTML

HTML is a markup language, heavily utilized for creating web pages and web applications. HTML, when combined with JavaScript and CSS, has become a milestone for web development. One of the useful aspects of HTML is, it can embed programs written in a scripting language like JavaScript, which is responsible for affecting the behavior and content of web pages. CSS inclusion would affect the layout and appearance of the content. The basic building blocks of any HTML pages are HTML elements. A structured document can be created with the help of structural-semantic text like heading, paragraph, list, link, and other items. Browser indeed does not display the html tags but utilize them to interpret the content of the page. One needs to study various tags and then understand their behavior.

·         Development Of Web Pages- HTML is heavily used for creating pages that are displayed on the World Wide Web. Every page contains a set of HTML tags including hyperlinks which are used for connecting to other pages. Every page that we witness, on the World Wide Web, is written using a version of HTML code. Programming students who have been assigned task of developing or amending a web page can seek assignment help assistance from SourceEssay experts.

·      Creating A Web Document- Document creation on the internet is dominated by HTML and its basic concept via tag and DOM i.e. document object model. HTML tags are inserted before and afterward or phrases to locate their format and location on the page. A web document consists of three sections: title, head, and body. Head includes the information to identify the document, including title and any other important keyword. A title can be seen on the browser’s bar and the body section is the main portion of the website visible to the viewer. All three segments are designed and created by the uses of HTML tags. Every section has its own specific set of tags, which are dedicatedly rendered keeping the head, title and body concepts in a loop. (Park , 2015)To seek further knowledge on how to create a web document using html students can seek essay help online from SourceEssay experts.

·      Navigating The Internet- This is one of the most important uses of HTML which is revolutionary. This navigation is possible by utilizing the concept of Hypertext. It is basically a text which refers to other web pages or text and when users click on it, would navigate to referenced text or page. HTML is heavily used to embed the hyperlink within the web pages. A user can easily navigate within the web pages and between websites as well, which are located on different servers.

·     HTML Is Used To Create Responsive Images On Web Pages- At the elementary level in applications of HTML, queries can be set to utilize the images, which are responsive in nature. With the secret attribute of image element in HTML, and combining it with picture elements, a developer can fully control how the user will render an image. Now different types of an image with size variation can be loaded by using the image element. Rules can be easily set with the picture element, we can declare image element with default source and then for every case, a source can be provided.

·      HTML Is Used To Support Data Entry- At the elementary level in applications of HTML, queries can be set to utilize the images, which are responsive in nature. With the secret attribute of image element in HTML, and combining it with picture elements, a developer can fully control how the user will render an image. Now different types of an image with size variation can be loaded by using the image element. Rules can be easily set with the picture element, we can declare image element with default source and then for every case, a source can be provided. To get immediate assistance in writing programming assignments using html students can seek the help of SourceEssay instant essay writers.

·      Enrich Website With Native Apis Usage- HTML5 adds so many new abilities and tools, which was just an imagination in the past. A large set of new APIs regarding file system, Geo location, drag, and drop, event handling, client-storage etc. are the capabilities which make usage of HTML5 more easier than ever before. Application experience can be enhanced with other APIs like Full screen, Visibility and Media Capture. (Jamsa,2013) A modern web application has asynchronous nature which can be fostered using Web sockets and Web workers like APIs.

Role of HTML

HTML plays a couple of significant roles in a web page.

 ·   Manipulate Elements on a Web Page- First, we use the structure created by our HTML code to reference, enhance, and manipulate elements on a web page using CSS and JavaScript. For instance, you could use HTML to mark all of the headings on a web page, and then use CSS to specify the font, size, and color you want to apply to those headings to reflect your organization’s branding, or simply a visual design developed for the site. (Carter,2014)

·   Indicate Roles of Different Elements- Second, HTML lets us indicate the roles of different elements to search engines and other services that index the content and summarizes it for other users. For instance, marking the caption of an image with the “fig caption” element and enclosing the image and its caption in the “figure” element helps a search engine understand that these two pieces of content are related, and that the caption describes the associated image.


HTML is more complicated with its latest set of elements, and a large set of APIs. Anyone who can grasp the basic concept is to a good start. Gone are the days, when HTML was synonymous with the usage of a certain set of elements, tags, and their attributes. With HTML5, a developer has a lot of potential good tools and APIs in their arsenal, which can make its contemporary technologies, lag behind. Usage is HTML is wide-spread and has become more sophisticated than ever before. It’s the developer’s ability to put applications of HTML concept in real-time usage.


Jamsa, K. (2013). Introduction to web development using HTML 5. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Park, T. H., Dorn, B., & Forte, A. (2015). An analysis of HTML and CSS syntax errors in a web development course. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 15(1), 1-21. 

Carter, B. (2014, December). Html architecture, a novel development system (hands): An approach for web development. In 2014 Annual Global Online Conference on Information and Computer Technology (pp. 90-95). IEEE.

Humpleman, R. J., Harms, G. K., Deacon, M. S., & Chandiramani, O. (2001). U.S. Patent No. 6,182,094. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


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