How Urban Pollution Affects Respiratory Diseases


In a recent report launched by World health organization, it is estimated around 98% of air pollution staggering in low- or middle-income countries. However, the situation is much better in high income cites but not up to mark. 


The health implication of poor air quality gradually increases even slow down the functionality of the respiratory system. Globally there are seven million death was attributed to ambient air pollution residing from households and transport(Forbes,2020). It can exacerbate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) also onset morbidity or mortality of respiration. In developing countries, combustion from fossil fuels is seen as a major source of air pollutants. On that note, to reduce the detrimental effects of poor air quality especially in the urban areas, various governments introduce policies or taking initiatives at an international level. The aim of this report is to evaluate the correlation between urbanization and air pollution affecting the growth of respiratory diseases.

Historical Background 

In 1952, the majority of death occur in London during Fog exercise involved a diagnosis of bronchitis. Medical experts and physicians have said, those subjects suffering from cardiovascular or bronchitis were most of the susceptible subjects from London Fog. Between 1952 and 1968, Lawther had followed a series of tests on the subjects suffering from chronic bronchitis. Each patient daily symptoms and medication were reported in a diary. Patients symptoms got altered if a significant change in air index was noticed. They derive the magnitude of respiration episode got enhanced with the high presence of sulphur dioxide(Arbex, 2009) 

Around the 1950s researchers in the UK have also shown air pollution was not only cause for sudden increased in COPD rates, but even prevalence of chronic bronchitis with higher air pollution was also found in the USA and Poland regions. To know more about COPD and its occurrence, Msc Research proposal London service driven by SourceEssay can help you to get accurate data sets.


Air Pollution Burden


According to reports of WHO, around 3.1 million premature deaths are related to the presence of the toxic chemical in the air. In a border term, chemical toxins present in the air are detrimental to the quality of life also causing acute respiratory infection(Batola, 2013)


Every year 3.2% burden of respiratory diseases increased due to air pollution. Ischemic heart disease death increased on the western Pacific coast from 1950 to 2010, however, after 2015 it has attained saturation. Although in the previous years, American has experienced high ischemic heart diseases death despite reducing industry hotspot(Sciaraffa, 2018).


In developing countries like South-East Africa and the Middle East, exposure of chemical particular or particulate matter through the industrial process is seen as a major concern for the growing air pollution. This can be determined by using the Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) to understand how developing countries are more affected by air pollution

At an early stage of economic development, one can see low air pollution, however, when economic growth attains intermediary stage, the level of air pollution will start increasing even sharply when no ameliorating measure has taken. It is then reached to inflexion point because of awareness of the environment. As per EKC proposition, developed countries are present on inflexion point where they pay more attention to the environment whereas developing country are present on the rising part of the curve. 


This is required to intervene in reducing air pollution by producing vested interest in air pollution management. On the first side, the significant health ill effects should be highlighted if we really want a cleaner and greener environment around us. All this can be achievable by emplaning on Low level of emission zone. To know more about the emission zone, you can also ask for Nursing assignment UK service help from Sourceessay.


Epidemiological Evidence Of Respiration Disorder With Urbanization


Everyone knows about The Great Smog London 1952 or killer smog has led to 12000 unexpected and unexplained death and severe long term effects on people’s life. Even after the killer smog, indoor and outdoor pollution sole in the UK has caused millions of death till 2012. On that note, there is no doubt exposure to air pollutants whether it is rural or urban areas laisions on set prenatal or postnatal respiratory disorders.

According to Kim, 2018 The chemical and physical features of air pollution have enhanced the severity of respiratory infections. Especially in the urban areas where the high amount of air pollutants is associated with various acute and chronic respiratory disorders. In five German cities exposure to PMs and NO2 has given the birth of laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis mostly because of viral infections. A similar study in Finland is contributing to the same outcome. However, the same study also revealed indoor pollution contributes to a higher rate of bronchitis. The air pollution is affecting the more people who has a prolonged history of lung infections.

Although cigarette leads to lung cancer, multiple additional factors such as indoor or outdoor pollution increase the infection rate of lungs. However, air pollution is closely linked with exposure-induced pathogenesis DNA abduct or DNA manipulation(Jiang and Fiang, 2016).




The race of improving air quality index at the global level is increasing day by day. Air pollution exposure during pregnancy impacts the quality of life even brings out exquisite inflammatory homeostasis among parents. Like this scenario in this article, we have discussed how air pollution critically impacts the severity of lung infection. It can exacerbate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) also onset morbidity or mortality of respiration. Therefore it is required to intervene for reducing air pollution by produced vested interest in air pollution management.


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Arbex, M. A., de Souza Conceição, G. M., Cendon, S. P., Arbex, F. F., Lopes, A. C., Moyses, E. P., ... & Braga, A. L. F. (2009). Urban air pollution and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-related emergency department visits. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health63(10), 777-783.

Babatola, S. S. (2018). Global burden of diseases attributable to air pollution. Journal of public health in Africa9(3).

Jiang, X. Q., Mei, X. D., & Feng, D. (2016). Air pollution and chronic airway diseases: what should people know and do?. Journal of thoracic disease8(1), E31.

Kim, D., Chen, Z., Zhou, L. F., & Huang, S. X. (2018). Air pollutants and early origins of respiratory diseases. Chronic diseases and translational medicine4(2), 75-94.

Sciaraffa, R., Borghini, A., Montuschi, P., Gerosa, G. A., Ricciardi, W., & Moscato, U. (2017). Impact of air pollution on respiratory diseases in urban areas: a systematic reviewDaniele Ignazio La Milia. European Journal of Public Health27(suppl_3).

Forbes(2020).Air Quality In Cities: What You're Actually Breathing In. Available



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